Brain Health Matters

The Link Between Alzheimer's and Auto-Immune Diseases

Season 2 Episode 4

In this week's episode, Kate Kunkel shares the latest research that reveals why all those expensive Alzheimer's drugs are failures, and demonstrates the link between our immune system and Alzheimer's.

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease or dementia, this is an especially important episode.

The research that Kate shares in this episode can be found HERE

To catch all the previous issues of Brain Health Matters podcast, visit Brain Health Matters.Today

Learn more about the link between Alzheimer's and Auto-Immune diseases in Kate's book, "Don't Let the Memories Fade", available on Amazon everywhere in paperback and eBook formats.

Start your Brain Health Journey with Five Easy Things you can do Right Now to Improve Your Brain

To learn even more about the power of a whole foods, plant-based diet for a healthier brain, check out Kate’s books, "Don't Let the Memories Fade", "The Vegan Brain" and "The Musical Brain"

Check out the Brain Health Matters BLOG for many more ways to improve your brain and your life!

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