Brain Health Matters
Join Vegan nutritionist, Apollo ReCode Coach and Amen Certified Brain Trainer Kate Kunkel for fun, frank, and information-packed conversations with experts in the field of brain health.
Kate and her guests offer valuable, practical information and inspiration to help you make the best choices to create a better brain for a better life.
Brain Health Matters
News You Can Use to Boost Your Brain and Prevent Dementia
In this episode of Brain Health Matters, Amen Certified Brain Health Professional Kate Kunkel shares some of the latest important research on risk factors for dementia and other brain disorders including dementia and anxiety.
Knowledge is power, and Kate has given you several powerful steps based on this research to help you protect your health and lower your chances of developing cognitive decline.
You can follow up on this research with the links provided here:
Sleep and Noradrenaline https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/07/220714103016.htm
Antibiotics and depression and anxiety: Neuroscience News https://neurosciencenews.com/antibiotics-negative-emotion-20988/
Optimism for a healthier brain: https://www.awakeningfromalzheimers.com/studies-prove-optimists-are-less-likely-to-get-dementia/
Chronic disease and dementia risk: https://www.bmj.com/content/376/bmj-2021-068005
Obesity and dementia risk: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/this-is-now-the-no-1-preventable-cause-of-alzheimers-in-america-11657553007
Surgery and brain health risks: https://www.amenclinics.com/blog/anesthesia-and-the-risk-for-postoperative-cognitive-dysfunction
Learn many more ways that improve and protect your brain in Kate’s book, Don't Let the Memories Fade, available in paperback and as an eBook on Amazon everywhere.
To begin your journey toward a healthier brain, claim your free copy of Kate's Five Key Steps You Can Take Right Now to Improve Your Brain
Start your Brain Health Journey with Five Easy Things you can do Right Now to Improve Your Brain https://harplady.lpages.co/five-steps-to-a-better-brain/
To learn even more about the power of a whole foods, plant-based diet for a healthier brain, check out Kate’s books, "Don't Let the Memories Fade", "The Vegan Brain" and "The Musical Brain"
Check out the Brain Health Matters BLOG for many more ways to improve your brain and your life!